You have a product/membership which does not include these booking hours.
These booking hours may be available at a specific time (for instance you can only book these hours 1 day ahead and not many days ahead), or they are permanently unavailable at all time. Please ask your club if this text did not help.
Group activity info
Why we need your email
We are using your email address to identify you in our system. Paired with a password, we will be able to authorize you into your account.
How to reset your password
You will receive an email with instructions in order to reset your password.
How we use your information
We use your information to manage our relationship with you, to manage service and goods payments,
to obey laws and regulations that apply to us, to respond to complains and seek to resolve them.
We make an user account with these data that you provided here.
We're also using a Single Sign On service so that we keep your information updated,
if you wish to use other services that we provide.
We need your date of birth to validate your age, your nationality and gender so that we can provide you
access to national rankings if you would want to; this information is not shared with anyone
and will remain private until you decide otherwise.
How we use your information
As you already have an account within Book247 Booking and/or Rankedin service
you only need to authenticate in order to register. Based on your credentials, we'll
identify you in our network and create an account here also. You will receive an email
to validate this registration request.
The Privacy Policy rules that you agreed on your first registration are also
valid here, adn they are valid through all Book247 subdomains.
Why am I being asked to pay for a booking? Possible reasons
You don't have a membership plan
You already have a booking in the system.
You are trying to book more than what is covered by your membership. Remember to add your playing partners as “friends†so you can book on behalf of them.
If your friend is not showing in your list, then he already has a booking in the system.